> 春节2024 > 过年谁给你的红包最大英文




Can you give me a red envelope, please? Can you please hand me a red packet?


During the Spring Festival, we have the tradition of visiting relatives and friends to exchange greetings, and we are often given red envelopes as presents.


Apologies for the late reply. How is the weather over there? Is it hot? In my city, the atmosphere is quite cozy as it is the time for the Spring Festival. I have received numerous red envelopes, which adds to the festive spirit.


Red envelopes, lucky money, lai see - you can call them whatever you like!


Red packet.


Red envelopes, lucky money, lai see - these are the English terms.


I have received a red envelope from somebody.


Giving out red envelopes.


红包 (red envelopes) are usually filled with cash and symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year. 压岁钱 (lucky money) is given to children during the Spring Festival.


Today is New Year\'s Day, and it\'s the time when we greet and give lucky money to our senior members. Distributing lucky money is a significant tradition in Chinese culture to wish them good luck and prosperity for the new year.